Canadian Stud Welding & supply
Since 1993 Canadian Stud Welding & Supply (CANSTUD) has grown continually and is known as the industry leader in the field of stud welding. One of our main goals is to find ways in which we can make ourselves more valuable as a supplier to the steel fabrication and manufacturing sector. Beginning primarily with stud welding we have evolved to become a full range manufacturing, fabrication and welding supplier.
Our staff has a combined 50 years of technical knowledge in the stud welding and manufacturing industry. No challenge is too great. We pride ourselves on our troubleshooting and problem solving ability. We also provide onsite training and technical support when the need arises.
CANSTUD has the largest inventory in Canada for NELSON© Weld Studs. Our facilities in Mississauga Ontario, Delta BC and Edmonton Alberta are fully utilized to maintain an abundance of headed and threaded NELSON© Studs and Deformed Bar, Hyundai Welding Wire, Structural Bolts, drilling and cutting tools as well as rental equipment.

Featured Products
Nelson Series 4800 Model 101
Nelson's Series 4800 Model 101 is a portable system that is easy to move around in your shop environment.
Nelweld 4000/4600
The Nelweld Heavy Duty systems are the new state of the art systems in arc stud welding.
Nelson Series 6500
This stand alone diesel generator unit is perfect for your on-site application.
Erico ESS 1500
This unit is currently for sale and is capable of shooting 3/4" studs. It comes complete with the 1500 power source, a heavy duty gun and all the cable sets.
Nelson PSR Studs
Nelson Punching Shear Resistor studs are used to fabricate reinforcing rails around capital columns in high-rise concrete construction.
Inside Angle Ferrules
We carry a wide range of inside angle ferrules for shooting into the fillet.
Hyundai Welding Products
CANSTUD is pleased to be the Western Canada distributor for Hyundai Welding Products. We carry a full line of welding wire and stick electrodes in many diameters.
A325 Structural Bolts
CANSTUD boasts one of the largest inventories of Structural Bolts in British Columbia.
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